
My Notepad

Elevate your notes with suggestions hand-written by our team:

Multi-step Treatment for (alexia/agraphia) was completed using a list of *** personally-relevant words. The client’s baseline probe (reading aloud/writing to dictation) was ***/*** words independently. Client rated confidence in (reading/writing) ability for this material at a ***/10.

At start of session today, the client’s probe score was ***/*** (compared to baseline performance of ***). Client rated confidence in (reading/writing) ability for these words at a ***/10. Client’s Home Exercise logs showed that they practiced material *** times/day for *** days since last treatment session.

Multi-step Treatment protocol completed in treatment session, with particular emphasis placed on the word ***. Client completed***/*** steps correctly for the word, and end of session probe score was ***/***. Client rated confidence in (reading/writing) ability for personally-relevant at a ***/10. Clinician required *** cues for (spelling/repetition/semantic feature generation/reading/writing/) during treatment.