Digital ADLs
It’s challenging to practice Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) without having a simulated environment—now you can. Digital ADLs offer functioning practice websites to learn online shopping, online banking, and more.

Online Banking
Honeycomb Credit Union

Online Shopping
Wardrobe Hive
Get All Digital ADLs, Plus More With the Activity Studio
Unlock a comprehensive library of therapy tools designed to support your clinical practice. From ready-made materials to customizable supports, streamline your workflow and enhance your client outcomes.
Ready-to-go therapy materials
Screen, Print, Email, Write. Whatever works for you!
Customizable word or picture supports in treatment packets
Create text- or picture-based supports with our easy online editor.
Documentation and goal-setting samples
A perfect launchpad to get going on efficient documentation.
Evidence-inspired Treatments and Strategies
What are my treatment choices for discourse in aphasia? Done.
Assessment considerations "at a glance"
Resources for person-centred assessment, compiled for efficient and meaningful decision-making.
Pre-built templates to get you started fast
Save time with customizable home program templates

ADL Practice Made Real

Save Tons of Time

Life-Changing Outcomes
Sign Up for the Activity Studio
Access the full suite of Digital ADLs and other therapy tools to enhance your practice. Deliver more impactful interventions—all in one easy-to-use platform.
Sign Up Now