
Hello SLP’s! It’s a good week to keep plugging along with the Functional Treatment for Everyday Cognition Series! Who has had a chance to use the newly-released Book 1: Goal Management Training? As always, thank you for your support which allows me to create these materialsI would love to hear your stories of how this evidence-based treatment is helping you meet functional goals!

Speaking of goals, today I wanted to share Goal Makeovers so you can see just how Goal Management Training might help you adjust goals and treatment in the setting you are, for a person-centered approach.

Psst: In case you are just tuning in, this post is part of the Functional Treatment for Everyday Cognition Series: If you have that deep-down knowledge/feeling that games and worksheets aren’t really cutting it for our neuro patients…. but aren’t sure what else to pass the time with in therapy, then this series if for you! Evidence tells us there are TONS of treatment methods we can apply to make a functional difference in our patients’ lives!

As a refresher, Book 1: Goal Management Training specifically uses the Goal-Plan-Do-Review process, which is a type of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction. This process has been shown to improve problem-solving, strategy use, self-regulation, organization, and life participation.

This book specifically includes functional need ideas organized by activity category and setting– once you have that need, you simply apply the Goal Management Training process to this need, and you choose what you are monitoring for improvement within that functional context (Problem-solving, strategy use, organization, life participation, or self-regulation!)

Let’s look at 1 example (There are 35 others in Book 1 across treatment settings!).

Case Example: The patient has moderate cognitive-communication challenges after right hemisphere aneurysm burst and clipping brain surgery repair. SLP is treating the patient within 14 days in a facility setting (hospital, inpatient rehab, skilled nursing, etc). Basic daily problem-solving is poor; the patient needs frequent cues to function safely within the facility and is a fall risk. Highly frustrated with lack of independence, but poor ability to reflect on cognitive deficits or attempt to use a strategy to improve performance. Score on Montreal Cognitive Assessment is 16/30, with problem-solving, organization, and attention challenges noted.

Non-Functional Goal for Problem Solving: The patient will complete simple dedication puzzle with 80% acc.

**  MAKEOVER to Functional Problem-Solving Goal: The patient will improve problem-solving for ordering meals by completing Goal-Plan-Do-Review process and following 3/4 steps with no verbal cues.

Non-Functional Goal for Organization: The patient will sequence 3 items with 90% acc.

** MAKEOVER to Functional Organization Goal: The patient will improve thought organization for managing follow-up phone calls for bill pay through Goal-Plan-Do-Review process, marked by patient generating 2+ steps independently (compared to baseline of 0).

Non-Functional Goal for Strategy Use: The patient will use strategy of checking work on worksheet on 2/3 attempts.

** MAKEOVER to Functional Strategy Use Goal: The Person will improve his/her ability to independently use a strategy to correctly use a phone in facility setting, using Goal-Plan-Do-Review process, marked by increase from baseline strategy use of 0.

Non-Functional Goal for Life Participation: ??? Is there such a thing? If it’s truly life participation, it should be functional.

** MAKEOVER to Functional Life Participation Goal: The patient will increase life participation in social engagement by using Goal-Plan-Do-Review process to plan goal, steps, and strategies that will be used to know and attend facility’s social calendar events at least 1x/week (baseline 2/month).


Purchase Book 1: Goal Management Training in my store, and stay tuned for multiple other parts to this series!

Blog posts in this series:

Why Functional Treatment for Everyday Cognition Matters

More About Book 1: Goal Management Training

Make sure you get the latest functional therapy updates: Follow Honeycomb Speech Therapy on Facebook , Pinterest, or Instagram, or sign up for email updates below.

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