
Hello SLPs (fellow medical / neuro lovers!) Today is the launch of the last book of the Functional Treatment for Everyday Cognition Series: Book 4 Spaced Retrieval! You’ve probably heard of this treatment technique — most popularly known for treatment in dementia, but did you know that it’s also recommended and supported in research as a memory treatment for neurogenic disorders (including stroke and TBI)?

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know that I like to take more lengthy / complicated research and boil it down to small summaries that are useable, efficient, and of course FUNCTIONAL!  Book 4: Spaced Retrieval is in-line with my One-Click Series for Aphasia (VNeST, RET, SFA, CART, Script Training), so if you’ve enjoyed digesting those and using the easy handouts and documentation guides, read on! It’s hard to beat for only $5.

Psst: In case you missed it: The Functional Treatment for Everyday Cognition Series is part of my mission to bring affordable, understandable, efficient, evidence-based, useable, functional therapy materials to other SLPs.  If you have that deep-down knowledge/feeling that games and worksheets aren’t really cutting it for our neuro patients…. but aren’t sure what else to pass the time with in therapy, then this series if for you! Evidence tells us there are TONS of treatment methods we can apply to make a functional difference in our patients’ lives!

What is Spaced Retrieval? Spaced Retrieval is an evidence-based memory technique for TBI and commonly used with neurodegenerative memory impairments. The process uses procedural memory to train a certain response to a certain response, over gradually increasing periods of times. This process can be used to teach information or skills for everyday use.

Who should I use Spaced Retrieval (SR) with? SR has been been used for those with mild to severe memory loss. Studies have shown success with a variety of dx including dementia, CVA, stroke, TBI, across multiple settings. Some studies have even used SR for those with aphasia to address word finding.

What sort of goals would SR address and what does the evidence say I should expect? Improvement is expected on the exact situation trained. These can be highly personalized for each person, and can address the following types of memory ability:

  • Improved procedural memory, or memory to perform an action or skill 
  • Improved declarative memory, or knowledge of a fact, event, vocab, etc. 
  • Improved ability to use an external aid to improve function for daily tasks

How does Spaced Retrieval relate to a person-centered approach? Spaced Retrieval Goals are set based on everyday needs for memory to improve knowledge, function, or participation. Prompts / responses for Spaced Retrieval are set-up using the Person’s own language/vocabulary.

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed; that was a lot of research-talk and not a lot of everyday therapy: Great news, you guys. I’m a regular SLP too. I’m not a professor or researcher; but I like to know I’m providing the best functional care I can, backed by research! I’ve taken hours to read research and boil this concept down to therapy materials that are efficient, understandable, and useable for the everyday SLP across settings. The BEST part of this packet is the FUNCTIONAL IDEAS (30+) that are bound to be useable or spark ideas in the setting you work!

Here’s what you can expect to find if you purchase Book 4: Spaced Retrieval:

Book 4: Spaced Retrieval is a quick, hands-on resource for using Spaced Retrieval with the acquired brain injury population. This evidence-based memory treatment is supported for use in the neurogenic and neurodegenerative populations, as a way to improve memory for facts and skills impacting function in everyday activities! This 13-page download includes everything you need to get started today:

-30+ Functional Needs Ideas for how to use Spaced Retrieval by activity or by setting!

-In-session documentation form

-Goal-setting and documentation samples

-Easy-to-read 1-page research summaries



Purchase Book 1: Goal Management TrainingBook 2: Step-By-Step ActivitiesBook 3: Task-Specific Language & Cognitive Supports, and Book 4: Spaced Retrieval in my store, and stay tuned for other parts to this series!

Make sure you get the latest functional therapy updates: Follow Honeycomb Speech Therapy on Facebook , Pinterest, or Instagram, or sign up for email updates below.

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