
*Updated 4/18: This packet has been updated to include personally relevant stimuli and is no longer free! However, it is available for an affordable price in my store!

If you are like me, you are busy treating patients during the day and can’t absorb a treatment protocol / prep materials / figure out who to use it with / figure out how to word things in documentation… all on your lunch break.

Here’s where the One Click series comes in: This series highlights various treatment protocols that are evidence-based, and I will provide everything you need to implement the therapy in just One Click (or 1 download!). They include a person-centered section to explain how you can use the materials in a person-centered way. So far, VNeST and CART have been covered.

Today we are talking about Response Elaboration Training (RET): Best of all, the whole packet is FREE! See below for the RET protocol, key references, in-session therapy form, and documentation sample.

ret*Please note the following are my personal notes from reading the research; key references below if you would like to review them yourself.

Who should I use RET with?

-RET is effective across different types of aphasia

-RET has been effective with mild to severe aphasia cases

-RET has been used with those who also have acquired apraxia, with additional cues (watch me, listen to me, say it with me).

What sort of goals would RET address?

-Improve verbal production in conversation

-increase number of content words in conversation

-improve word retrieval in conversation

-support generalization of expanded utterances across contexts and conversational partners

What does the evidence say I should expect?

-Improvement of responses and conversation

-Generalizes when combined with Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA)

How does RET relate to a person-centered approach?

-This approach is all about creative responses, not about achieving a pre-determined answer. That means a person is more likely to generate the sort of language they will need to use on a regular basis! The modified version also includes using topics relevant to the person (a favorite vacation, how to change a tire, etc.), so the possibilities are endless for customizing this for certain language needs!

What do I need to use RET?

FREEBIE ALERT! RET is quite simple, so I am offering the RET Packet completely free!

This 6-page download will allow you to use RET tomorrow, with no further prep (besides choosing action pictures or topics from your Person!). You will find the protocol cheat sheet, key articles, an in-session therapy form, and a documentation sample!

Please also check out the VNeST Packet and CART Packet if you work with aphasia!

Enjoy adding RET to your practice and adding value to your speech therapy session!

Key References
Conley, A. & Coelho, C. (2003). Treatment of word retrieval impairment in chronic Broca’s aphasia. Aphasiology Vol 17, Issue 3.
Hinckley, J. (2009). Conversational treatments: Aphasia. [PDF Document]. Retrieved from American Speech Hearing Association Website at Conversational Treatments for Aphasia – American Speech-Language …
Wambaugh, J., Nessler, C., & Wright, S. (2013). Modified Response Elaboration Training: Application To Procedural Discourse and Personal Recounts. AJSLP, Vol 22., 409-425.

4 Responses

      1. Is there a free packet as you listed?

        What do I need to use RET?

        –FREEBIE ALERT! RET is quite simple, so I am offering the RET Packet completely free!

        This 6-page download will allow you to use RET tomorrow, with no further prep (besides choosing action pictures or topics from your Person!). You will find the protocol cheat sheet, key articles, an in-session therapy form, and a documentation sample!

        1. Hi Janice! A few years ago I offered a free RET Cheat Sheet — since that time I’ve updated it and added stimuli, documentation samples, etc. — all which are included in the $5 RET Packet! Thanks for checking!

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