Functional Cognition: Book 3 – External Cognitive & Language Supports

(2 customer reviews)


Update 2021: This English and Spanish versions now included in the comprehensive Activity Studio+



Offered in English and Spanish, pages correspond exactly.

Book 3: Task-Specific Language & Cognitive Supports provides dozens of no-tech, task-specific ideas, examples, and templates as a launchpad to improve participation in daily activities across multiple settings! This technique is simple yet effective and supported by research to make a real difference in everyday life. Functional needs include “by-setting” examples, and are organized by Notes / Signs, Checklists, Pictures, Labels, & Modifications.

Libro 3: Apoyos Cognitivos y del Lenguaje para Tareas Específicas provee docenas de ideas, ejemplos y patrones no-tecnológicos y específicos como base  para mejorar la participación en actividades diarias a través de varios ambientes. Necesidades funcionales incluyen ejemplos “por ambiente” y están organizados por Notas / Letreros, Listas, Fotos, Etiquetas y Modificaciones.

2 reviews for Functional Cognition: Book 3 – External Cognitive & Language Supports

  1. Susan (verified owner)

    I have ordered all the cognition books and some of your aphasia packets. They are all so practical and helpful with my home health clients. You are exactly right that you can put them to use right away. The templates are fantastic. The only problem is I saved it with some errors and deleted the email to re-access. Is there any way you could re-send to me please? Thank you for all the packets you have put together. They have all been money well spent and have given my therapy sessions a breath of fresh air – they’ve really helped me stretch myself as an SLP to provide therapy sessions that are more functional.

    • Sarah Baar

      Absolutely Susan! I can resend your way — and anyone else who wonders about this: You can always reach me by email at [email protected] if you have ANY challenges downloading or saving. Thanks!

  2. Keslynn (verified owner)

    I don’t know why it has taken me so long to realize that workbooks are not the answer. I have always SAID that; however, never really put what I was saying into practice due to : productivity standards, “it’s what I learned in grad school”, ect. Although “functional activities” take a little more thought (esp. when you first start changing the way you practice), it is so worth the outcomes. All the materials you have put together have been a wonderful start to my journey of becoming a better SLP. I am hoping after a while thinking about patient centered goals and activities will come more quickly! Thanks for everything you do!

    • Sarah Baar

      Thank you Keslynn!! YOU GOT THIS! I have been in your SAME boat, and I can tell you… It DOES get easier! Natural even! Faster than the old way! And better for everyone!

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