
Website LogoWelcome! From one SLP to another: I’m so glad you are curious about what we are doing here! Have you ever had these questions in your practice as an SLP?

  • What if speech therapy could be the favorite, and not the most dreaded?

  • What if patients understood what we are working on, and why?

  • What do we work on if insurance only allows us xx number of visits?

  • What if there was a way to recommend home programs that didn’t rely on worksheets?

  • What if the patient, family, and SLP could act as a team for increasing meaningful activity or independence at home?

If you have wondered some of these same thoughts, then by skill, grace, or accident, we’ve found each other here at Honeycomb Speech Therapy!  I’m Sarah, a practicing SLP in the state of Michigan and the creator of Honeycomb Speech Therapy. I started this project in 2015 as a starting step for my goal to bring real-life, meaningful tasks into therapy, along with evidence-based ideas, in a way that was efficient and didn’t require extensive planning outside of therapy.

I hope to share ideas + downloads that can be used with the adult rehab population, using a variety of topics that will be highly relevant, meaningful, and functional for our patients.

The Evidence Shows: Therapy goals and topics have to matter to the patient for there to be improvement. 

This Means That: We will get better patient outcomes and patient satisfaction if we tailor our therapy to our patient’s interests.



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