
My Notepad

If you are like me, you are busy treating patients during the day and can’t absorb a treatment protocol / prep materials / figure out who to use it with / figure out how to word things in documentation… all on your lunch break.

Here’s where the One Click series comes in: This series highlights various treatment protocols that are evidence-based, and I will provide everything you need to implement the therapy in just One Click (or 1 download!). They include a person-centered section to explain how you can use the materials in a person-centered way. So far, VNeSTCART, SFA, and RET have been covered.

Today we are revisiting Script Training: With a new research article included re: Personalization of Script Training, and multiple emails requesting me to add sample scripts, I’ve just updated my Script Training Packet this week to include personalization prompts and example scripts!

_dsc1947 *Please note the following are my personal notes from reading the research; key references below if you would like to review them yourself.

Who should I use Script Training with?

-Script Training has been successful with both fluent and nonfluent aphasia.

-Script Training has also been successful with acquired apraxia of speech.

What sort of goals would Script Training address?

-Improved accuracy and speed for a script that meets a specific functional need

-Improved confidence while communicating script information in a variety of situations

-Improved total word production

What does the evidence say I should expect?

-Better acquisition of scripts that are personalized, as opposed to generic scripts

-Improvement on topic content, grammatical productivity, and speaking rate for all scripts

-Increased communication across a variety of situations and listeners

-Improved patient rating of naturalness and confidence while speaking

How does Script Training relate to a person-centered approach?

-Script Training is completely personalized and dependent on the Person’s situation and goal! The content is highly meaningful and relevant to the Person (because it is chosen by them!). You will NOT be using a canned script unless it has frequent relevance in someone’s life.

-The Person’s word choices are used, so responses sound natural and access preserved wording.



What do I need to start Script Training tomorrow?

Click Here To Download the Script Training Packet!

This 12-page download will allow you to use Script Training tomorrow, with no further prep. You will find the protocol cheat sheet, key articles, an in-session therapy form, template for Script Training and home program, and a documentation sample! It also includes *Newly Added* Sample Scripts and personalization prompts that may help you develop a personally-relevant script for your Person!

I’m already using your Script Training Packet, but I’ve been using canned / generic Scripts! 

It’s not too late to switch to developing personally-relevant Scripts (things your Person will need to say regularly!). The Script Training Packet is a great way to get you started.  If you already have the Script Training Packet and want the updated version for $2, send me an email at [email protected] and I will pass on a coupon code.


Please also check out the VNeST Packet CART PacketRET , and SFA if you work with aphasia!

Enjoy adding Script Training to your practice and adding value to your speech therapy session (with real life results for your Person)!

Key References
Cherney, L., Halper, A., Holland, A., & Cole, R.  (2008) Computerized Script training for Aphasia: Preliminary Results. American Journal of Speech Pathology & Audiology, 17(1): 19–34.  Online at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2896889/
Cherney, L., Kaye, R., Lee, J., & van Vuuren, S. (2015). Impact of personal relevance on acquisition and generalization of script training for aphasia: A preliminary study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24: S913-S922. Online at: https://ajslp.pubs.asha.org/article.aspx?articleid=2436696 
Youmans, G. & Youmans, S. (2011). Script Training Treatment for Adults with Apraxia of Speech. American Journal of Speech Pathology & Audiology, 20: 23-37. Online at: http://www.unm.edu/~atneel/shs531/youmans_script.pdf

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