There are many “workbooks” available to target cognition and language challenges, but those choices do not always promote person-centered therapy that addresses activity and participation. Research tells us that speech therapy needs to be personally relevant in order to generalize to everyday life. This is also consistent with the best practice to address activity / participation needs for communication (and not just impairment-level challenges), from the WHO-ICF framework.
The following blog posts focus on using meaningful, relevant therapy stimuli in order to increase complexity, engagement, and encourage generalization to real life improvements.
TED Talks
The Power of Believing That You Can Improve
What’s Wrong With Your Pa$$w0rd?
Magical Houses, Made of Bamboo
Playtime with Pleo, Your Robotic Dinosaur Friend
3 Things I Learned While My Plane Crashed
Reading Materials
Instant Resource: The Learning Network
Background Noises
Instant Resource: Background Noises
YouTube Treasures