
My Notepad

Elevate your notes with suggestions hand-written by our team:

A Text Messaging Framework was used as an intervention in therapy, as a multi-level treatment protocol that ultimately targets the ability to text at a discourse level. Improvements are expected in procedural, content, pragmatic, and efficiency needs for texting.

Phase 1 targeted word-level texting with Copy and Recall Treatment for Texting. The patient was able to text ***% of pictured words independently at baseline. The patient was able to text copy a written word independently with ***%. With *** cues from SLP, this improved to ***%. With written visual cues removed, the patient was able to recall and text the target words with ***% accuracy.

Phase 2 targeted scripted text responses with a Script Training approach. Scripts with highly meaningful / high-use phrases were developed collaboratively in session. Today, the client is able to text ***% of the written words from a model, in *** seconds. Home program set up for daily practice. Notes on strategies or cues required: ***

Phase 3 targeted creation of novel text message responses. The client was able to generate multiple pragmatically-appropriate text responses on *** attempts with *** cues. The patient on average texted a ***-word response, in *** seconds.