
There are many “workbooks” available to target cognitive and language challenges, but those choices do not always promote person-centered therapy that addresses activity and participation. Research tells us that speech therapy needs to be personally relevant in order to generalize to everyday life. This is also consistent with the best practice to address activity / participation needs for communication (and not just impairment-level challenges), from the WHO-ICF framework.

The following blog posts focus on function in the home setting–a relevant place to start for many individuals facing language or thinking changes. These ideas use home activity/participation topics to challenge language and thinking and address personalized cognitive-communication goals. You can find hundreds of therapy ideas, functional goal-setting, and documentation samples in the Home Sweet Home Series.

Home Sweet Home Series

Functional Toolbox: Garden Seed Packets

Functional Toolbox: Tool Kit

Making Low-Pressure Phone Calls

Functional Toolbox: Cookbook

Functional Toolbox: Photos

Functional Toolbox: Menus

Functional Home Programs for Speech Therapy

Medication Management: Real Life Speech Therapy