The ASHA 2016 Convention is just around the corner, and I’m looking forward to attending, learning, and meeting many of you! Will you be there? Are you looking for inspiration, best-practices, and ideas for how to be more person-centered? As you know, I am all about how we can provide functional, meaningful speech therapy efficiently (hence the Home Sweet Home and Back To Work Series)! I’m looking forward to discussing and learning from others who share this passion: Here’s my list of the fabulous seminars and posters being offered that offer a person-centered focus!
*psst: Not attending? No worries! I hope to post a Best of ASHA in December to share some highlights and ideas!
Check out this lineup, organized by day! To read a description about the poster or seminar, go to the Convention Program Planner and put the code in!
10:30-12:30: SEMINAR
*SLP Leadership in Cognitive Programming: Legislation, Strategies & Potential Impact (Code 1037) Presenter(s): Susan Almon-Matangos; Angela Edney
11:00-12:30 POSTERS
* Improving the Quality of Life for People With Communication Disorders Using Person-Centered Approaches (7034 Poster Board 162) Presenter(s): Somerlee Monaghan; Michael Steinbruck
* Brain Injury: Predictors for Successful Return to Earn (7039 Poster Board 167) Presenter(s): Lori Dryg; Karen White
*It Is Not Just a Bump on the Head: Road to Recovery After Concussion (7040 Poster Board 168) Presenter(s): Mary Reilly
*Therapeutic Interventions for Persisting Cognitive Deficits Following mTBI (7042 Poster Board 170) Presenter(s): Carole Roth; Dana Cripps
3:00-4:30 POSTERS
*Person-Centered Intervention Across the Life Span (8227 Poster Board 521) Presenter(s): Alice Andrews; Ruth Stonestreet
*Implementation of Communicative Routines for the Facilitation of Person-Centred Care in Nursing Homes (Code 5533) Presenter(s): Emma Forsgren
4:30-6:00pm POSTERS
*Group External Memory Aid Treatment for Mild Cognitive Impairment (8341 Poster Board 635) Presenter(s): Alyssa Lanzi; Sarah Wallace; Caterina Staltari
*Functional Language Switching by Persons With Dementia Symptoms: Implications for Cognitive & Linguistic Skills (7146 Poster Board 274) Presenter(s): Nicole Müller
8:00-10:00 SEMINARS
*Toss the Workbooks: Use of the Life Participation Approach for People With Primary Progressive Aphasia (1332) Presenter(s):Becky Khayum; Marie Saxon ; Marya Corden ; Kathryn Borio; Diane Pugh; Mike Pugh; Robert Caughey; Linda Caughey; Emily Rogalski
*Using ICF to Shift Focus to Functional Language/Literacy Goals in Children & Adults (1309) Presenter(s):Kathleen Whitmire ; Swathi Kiran; Joan Mele-McCarthy; Kenyatta Rivers ; Judy Rudebusch; Nancy Swigert; Carol Westby
9:00-10:30 POSTERS
1:00-3:00 SEMINARS
*Person-Centered, Evidence-Based Applications of Technology for Neurodegenerative & Neurogenic Language Disorders (1425) Becky Khayum; Natalie Douglas
*The Moral Imperative for Conversation & Personal Narrative in Aphasia Treatment: Implications & Applications (1426) Presenter(s): Rochelle Cohen-Schneider; Audrey Holland; Aura Kagan
3:30-4:30 SEMINARS
*CARF Updates & Key Elements for a Quality Person-Centered Practice (1455) Presenter(s): Patricia Samuel; Christine MacDonell
*Empowering Patients: Tips for Creating an Autonomy-Supportive Environment in Cognitive Rehabilitation (1486) Presenter(s): Sheryl Nichols Maier; Jaime Rosa-Campeau; Christopher Stavisky; Nancy Dukelow; Simon Carson; Amy Pacos Martinez
8:00-10:00 SEMINARS
*Toss the Workbooks: Person-Centered, Evidence-Based Interventions for People With Dementia (1635) Becky Khayum; Michelle Bourgeois ; Ellen Hickey; Jennifer Brush ; Natalie Douglas
9:30-11:00 POSTERS
*Patient-Reported Outcomes From an Intensive Computer-Based Writing Intervention (9135 Poster Board 429) Presenter(s): Jaime Lee; Julia Carpenter; Grace Gustafson; Leora Cherney