
Thanks for following along and learning about how we can use evidence-based treatments to meet everyday, functional cognitive goals in speech therapy! 

I hope you are at least curious about the person-centered care movement that has our profession moving away from generic workbooks and games…. and at the most, maybe you found an idea or therapy pack that has helped you be more functional in your speech therapy sessions! This post is a quick link to all posts in the Functional Treatment for Everyday Cognition Series.

Here are the blog posts completed in the Functional Treatment for Everyday Cognition Series:

Functional Treatment For Everyday Cognition Series: Check out this post for some reserach about why cognitive therapy needs to be focused on functional gains.

Functional Cognition: Goal Management Training: Check out this post to learn more about Goal Management Training, a specific form of metacognitive instruction, which is a practice standard for TBI treatment.

GOAL EXAMPLES (Goal Management Training)Check out this post to see Goal Management Training in action, in real clinical scenarios.

Functional Cognition: Step-by-Step Activities: Check out this post to learn about using best practice systematic instruction, and integrating this with personally relevant needs for a therapy treatment.

CASE EXAMPLE (Step By Step Activities): Check out this post to see treatment method step-by-step activities in action.

Task-Specific Language & Cognitive SupportsCheck out this post to learn about no-tech, activity and participation solutions in therapy.

Favorite Tools for Functional Therapy: Check out this post for simple items to keep in your toolbox to easily create customized language and cognitive supports.

Functional Cognition: Spaced Retrieval: Check out this post to learn more about treatment technique Spaced Retrieval, which is recommended for TBI, stroke, dementia, and more.

Cheat Sheet: Functional Treatment for CognitionCan’t keep all those details straight? Me either. Check out my “Cheat Sheet” to make evidence-based therapy decisions in a snap.

Functional Cognition: Flexibility!: Check out this blog post to see functional cognitive treatments in action — and see how flexible they are for meeting tons of different goals!


Are you choosing the best options in your therapy time? Purchase Book 1: Goal Management TrainingBook 2: Step by Step Activities, Book 3: Task-Specific Language or Cognitive Supports, or Book 4: Spaced Retrieval in my store!

Make sure you get the latest functional therapy updates: Follow Honeycomb Speech Therapy on Facebook , Pinterest, or Instagram, or sign up for email updates below.

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